A Box Of Meal Replacement Goodies, By Exante Diet

A bit of a fitness and nutrition addict, I’m always up for trying out a new supplement or food recommendation, which is why we couldn’t hold ourselves from ordering in a box of Exante Diet goodies.

I’ll give my honest review of everything I tried, while I hope you find this useful and it helps you to find some high protein options to add to your diet.


Protein Granola

My usual morning breakfast consists of porridge with whey protein stirred in and some strawberries on top. This ticks all the boxes, but it can get a bit dull when repeated for months at a time. The granola was therefore a welcome change from the usual. I’m sure you can eat this with yogurt or in blends, but I loved eating it just with some milk.

A small 40 gram pack actually contained 10.8 grams of protein, which really impressed me, while most importantly, it wasn’t packed full of sugar as most cereals are.


Protein Bars

I got two different protein bars in the box, the strawberry jam and yogurt crunch bar and the peanut butter bar. Looking at the options on the surface, my mind automatically jumps towards the strawberry jam and yogurt bar. While it tasted ok, the peanut butter bar was out of this world! The only other bar I’ve tried that could compete was a Quest bar, and trust me I’ve tried a lot of protein bars! Taste wise, this was definitely my winner of the box.


Protein shakes

I got some single strawberry and chocolate shakes, which both tasted absolutely scrumptious. On top of your usual tick box (high in protein, not packed with sugar), it also contained over 22 vitamins and minerals in each shake.


Pancake Mix

Another great option for breakfast time, protein pancakes are something I tried a year ago, but they came out horribly wrong. It therefore felt relieving knowing these would come out alright. Plus I got to top them off with the zero sugar chocolate syrup that also came in the box. Zero sugar you say? OK, lets dig into this. The sweetener they use is called sucralose, which is basically what Splenda is. So how did the chocolate syrup taste? I thought it was amazingly, although weirdly it didn’t taste much like chocolate, just like a great tasting syrup.


But I digress (in fact I used to be a professional digresser…), the pancakes came out pretty well. They looked a bit messy (I think I need some practice) but they tasted great. It states you must use water, which probably helps as this is really optimised for weight loss, however I would love to give it a try with milk.

So now you’ve heard it straight from the horses mouth, I recommend giving a good few of them a try. Good luck with all of your diets, train hard!

Tom Bourlet

Tom Bourlet loves to travel and also runs a travel blog. A fan of sports and nutrition, fashion and living life to the full, Tom has also spoken at multiple conferences about Digital Marketing.

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