Alternative Advent Calendars For 2019

Every year we flock to the supermarkets to get some boiler-plate chocolate filled advent calendars which always add a little thrill towards the Christmas build-up, however one of the most fun advancements of the past year has been all the new advent calendars that have come out, embracing all different types of products. I wanted to list a couple of my favourites for people to try and buy for someone they care for.

Organic Herbal Tea Advent Calendar

tea-calendarI’ve always wanted to broaden my spectrum of cuppa’s, but I’ve never wanted to invest in big packs without the knowledge of whether I’d actually like the taste, but welcome in this 24 sachet filled mystery pack. A great gift for any tea addicts (which is virtually the entire nation), containing ags such as hibiscus, earl grey, spiced chai, oolong, jasmine and moringa.

The fun challenge will be to make the cup each morning and work out my favourites, plus this advent calendar comes without any guilt attached, not to mention it is vegan friendly and organic. They can easily be purchased in store or online at Holland & Barrett. What better way to start your day on those cold winter days.

Moroccanoil Beauty Vault

beauty-vaultThe Moroccanoil Beauty Vault is packed with seven exciting treats, offering the brands best sellers from body souffle to hand cream. The packaging looks absolutely marvelous, a shiny splendour on the eyes with turquoise colouring alongside the rich golden lines. Beauty advent calendars seem to be on the up, but with many charging hefty prices, this is a great lower priced option at £20, available from WhoWhatWear.

Dog Advent Calendar

dog-calendarThe Scrumbles advent calendar is a brilliant option for dog owners who want to treat their best friend each morning with some tasty treats. Containing both Scrumbles Nibbles (grain free training treats) and Scrumbles Gnashers Dental Bones (grain free complementary treats), sweet potato makes up a large portion of their snacks.

They are 100% natural and made in the UK, but most importantly, for every purchase made, 50p is donated to charity. The charity of choice is All Dogs Matter, a dog rescue and rehoming charity, something very close to myself as I spend most of my time on my holidays trying to help stray dogs. Beyond purchasing the advent calendar, you should also consider adopting a dog and offering it a new home, a new pal for your pup.

This brilliant calendar can be purchased from the Scrumbles website for £8.

Brewdog Advent Calendar


For the guy in your life, there could be no greater gift than a huge supply of beers! But it steps up a notch when you get a complete range of absolutely delicious ales to try from a brand as reputable as Brewdog! I first came across this brand about 3 years ago and instantly fell in love with their beers, from clockwork tangerine to dead pony club. In fact, forget my slightly sexist comment, this would be my girlfriends dream advent calendar, so don’t limit your options by gender, this will be a very merry Christmas with a beer in hand!

Which ever calendar you choose this year, be aware there are plenty of options out of the ordinary, don’t be afraid to try something different. Last year I got a cheese one while I got a beauty calendar for my girlfriend and we were both ecstatic with our choices! That is despite Raquel being a chocaholic. Merry Christmas to all!

Tom Bourlet

Tom Bourlet loves to travel and also runs a travel blog. A fan of sports and nutrition, fashion and living life to the full, Tom has also spoken at multiple conferences about Digital Marketing.

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